Scandinavian and Contra Music and Dance
Saturday, May 4, 2023
Submerse yourself in traditional Swedish folk music and dance with a full day of workshops followed by an evening dance party! Learn Swedish fiddle tunes from one of the US's preeminent experts or learn to dance a traditional schottis or slängpolska. The evening dance party will combine contra dancing and Swedish social folk dance with marvelous live music.

11:30 - 2 pm Swedish Tune Workshop
Curious about the famously luscious Swedish fiddle traditions? Come learn a couple of tunes with lydia ievins, one of the US's preeminent experts. Teaching will be fiddle-centric, though other melody instruments are welcome. There will be a short break for BYO lunch. Preregistration appreciated.

2:30 - 5:30 pm Swedish Social Dance Workshop
Meghan Mella will lead a workshop in Swedish social dance, focusing on schottis and slängpolska, with music by lydia ievins. Cost is $10.

7:30 pm Intro Contra Dance Lesson
Claire Takemori will teach the basics of contra dance for beginners. All levels welcome!

8 - 11 pm Scandi and Contra Dance Party!
lydia ievins will be joined by Dave and Robbin Marcus to play for an evening of contra dances called by Claire Takemori, along with some Scandi dances. Regular admission is $15-20, student admission $5-10.